My plans are fairly unorthodox so I'll take a moment to explain how this situation developed.
About a year ago I was thinking about quitting my job and traveling around the world for about a year. A friend of mine,
Sharada, was having similar ideas and so we formulated a plan of sorts. When the time came to begin quitting my job, my boss, who is also a good friend/adopted father had other ideas. Whatever reasons I offered to justify my leaving, he offered a solution. The ultimate upshot is that I signed on to work alternate months(more or less). This limits the amount of traveling I can do in 2009 but I'll finish the year with money in the bank, and a job, meaning I can travel in future years as well. Sweet deal right? Sorry to say we are not hiring.
The one hitch being that Sharada was already pretty well set on completing the original 10-month long circumnavigation. So I will be joining her for roughly five non-sequential months during the her trip. This means that rather than taking the relatively short flights between her destinations, I will be flying between half of these destinations and the U.S. for a grand total of rougly 65,379 air miles, which I reckon to be 2.63 times around the world(although I will technically complete only one actual
The basic itineray is as follows:
1.Japan, India Nepal 1/15-3/15.
MAP/ITINERARYWork(2 months)
2.South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi 5/15-6/15
MAP/ITINERARYWork(1 month)
3.Egypt, Jordan 7/15-8/15
MAP/ITINERARYWork(1 month)
4.Peru 9/15-10/15
MAP/ITINERARYIf you're curious where Sharada will be while I'm home, you can check out her